The newest Pyrex book, “Shiny, Happy Pyrex People” by Jennifer Ashley contains one hundred years of Pyrex history from 1915 to 2015. This Pyrex compendium is filled with stunning images, wonderful people, and delicious potluck recipes. For the Pyrex enthusiast, it also includes biographies, patents, and vintage advertisements. Full of quirky fun facts, you can let yourself fall in love with Pyrex all over again along with some fun new hobbies. It is my goal to provide the most comprehensive guide to US Pyrex in one place.
Below, you can order your first edition copy of “Shiny, Happy Pyrex People” for $45 plus shipping and handling. For international orders, please email me or head to Google Books where you can download a digital copy for $20.
Can’t wait for shipping? You can pick up your copy at JoRetro in Havre de Grace, Maryland, or The Corning Museum of Glass Gift Shop in Corning, New York, or The Lucky Rabbit in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, or The Antique Mall in Genevieve, Missouri.
Thank you to everyone who preordered!
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Never received book or returned emails. Will be filing a dispute for a returned payment.
Just received this great book
Love it! Would have been nice if it was signed seeing as we can only purchase them from you. Why not sign them? Besides that, this huge book is packed with tons of info and great pics!
Buy this book
If you love Pyrex but want to become educated about it then this is the book. It is a useful resource for collectors and Pyrex fans. Hope you will enjoy it as much as I do.
A book to keep handy
I bought this book a while ago and keep it handy. This last week I used it to reference a 60s promo.
The color pictures and arrangements of stories are spot on.
Beautifully produced book
My sil shared her book with me last year and I loved it. Now I have my own copy! Great resource for Pyrex information and reference. And I love the rabbitholes!
A True Work of Art
The book is so beautiful! I love the layout and informative text too. Each page is a treat!
I have all the books on Pyrex and this by far is my fav. The layout is on point and easy to navigate. The pictures and Information are detailed for each piece. This is by far more educational than the others on the market.
Everything you need to know about Pyrex and much more! I have more pages marked for reference than my “ Post it Notes” has available. Great, history and pictures as well. Everyone interested in Pyrex this is a must have reference book!
A revelation
Shiny, Happy, Pyrex People is a phenomenal tome (yes, tome- this baby is over 500 pages long) about Pyrex history written through the eyes of a seasoned collector who knows her audience. I’m proud to say I’ve interacted with the author on Facebook, where she is fount of knowledge on all things Pyrex. Ms. Ashley has done the collecting community quite a service: she has written a book that can be leafed through on a coffee table, skimmed by someone who appreciates beautiful glass, used as a reference by a newbie collector, and devoured by the Pyrex enthusiast.
One book, many uses.
The history of Pyrex is accompanied by beautiful pictures of the dishes themselves. I love the inclusion of the box art pictures as well- some of these are not seen in any other Pyrex book. I love the thoroughness of the pattern references. Additionally, the author has included non-standard pieces in case you stumble across one in your thrifting and antiquing. Additionally, the interspersed recipes and chats with collectors make this book feel like a friend. Huge thanks for such a delightful and informative work.
The complete Pyrex Reference Guide and History Book
Shiny, Happy Pyrex People is an amazing reference guide for antique enthusiast and those interested in the history of an iconic American brand. This book gives a detailed history of Pyrex by decade beginning in the early 1900’s through today. Easily find your favorite Pyrex cookware throughout the years. This book also offers a brief history on the Corning Glassware Company and the early days of Pyrex including the original Pyrex Patent(s).
The book also offers a detailed guide with pictures, sizes and dish numbers making it the ideal reference guide for all things Pyrex.
A highly recommended book for Pyrex people, antique people, history people or any person interested in the Pyrex product and Pyrex Company.
I have become a pyrex junkie. My collection has grown extensively the last couple years (lockdown). I loved reading and learning the history and seeing different patterns, and collections.
This book is massive with lots of great pictures and information. I love the timeline layout and I reference this book often. I enjoy the charts containing the dish numbers. It’s nice to know all the different pieces that were made in a particular pattern!
Really wonderful book!
At the Top of My Pyrex “Go To” Book List.
I have been enjoying having Shiny, Happy Pyrex People in my reach. When I want to have a few minutes of “me time” and take a break within my hectic day, it’s a nice therapeutic feeling to read all the great information, history, see the wonderful pictures and charts, interviews and the recipes in the book. It was also a privilege to meet you (Jennifer Ashley) at a book signing, to hear about how you gathered so much information.
This book is definitely at the top of my Pyrex information “go to” book list.
Tons of Information
Shiny, Happy Pyrex People is full of great information and pictures. I recommend this to anyone who wants to know more about Pyrex or is just getting started. As a new collector myself, this will be an invaluable reference and treasured book for many years to come.
I LOVE my new book! I keep it on my coffee table and have shared flipping through it with my 83 yr old mom and vintage-collecting sister. What a great resource – plus entertaining. It will be something I keep forever! Well worth the cost of shipping to Canada!