Author: jmashley

Pyrex and Coffee Lovers Unite!

Please welcome guest blogger, Chad Ludwig! Chad has shared a very interesting pamphlet on how to brew the perfect cup of Joe! Percolator, vacuum, drip or instant, Pyrex is the right pot for you. I’d like like to highlight the scientific nature of the coffee recipes and show appreciation for the Test Kitchen at Corning […]

Pyrex Fleur De Lis

Our friend, Wilson, is a man on a mission for the all things Pyrex Fleur De Lis, even spurring an international road trip. As guest blogger, he has graciously shared the following with us: “Welcome Blue Fleur 475 to my growing Pyrex family While little is known about why these exist, it’s interesting to note […]

Primary and Reverse Primary Bowls

Thank you, Morgan Mancha for continuing to guest blog! Recognize this picture? Morgan graciously supplied it for publication in Shiny, Happy Pyrex People. “Today’s info post is about Multi Color Bowls & Refrigerator sets aka Primary Colors. Bowls were made from 1945-1968, refrigerator sets from 1947-1966. In 1949 yellow and red 404s were available as […]